Table of contents
- Add command
- Branch
- Branching
- Commit command
- Directory
- Git
- Master branch
- Merge command
- Push command
- Repository
- Repository hosting service
- Terminal
- Version-control
Add command
Informs Git that you want to include updates to a particular file in the next commit. Adds a change in the working directory to the staging area.
A lightweight, movable pointer to a particular development stage.
Creates copies of code in development to work in parallel versions, retaining the original and working on the branch or making different changes to each.
Commit command
Saves your changes to the local repository but does not automatically transfer changes to the remote server. Git commit only saves a new commit object in the local Git repository.
A location for storing files on your computer (a folder).
Version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development, enabled remote collaboration.
Master branch
Default/main development branch.
Merge command
Integrates different lines of development into a single branch.
Push command
Uploads local repository content to a remote repository.
A file location where you are storing all the files related to your project. A local repository is usually present on a user’s computer, a remote repository is usually hosted on a server, and can be shared by multiple users.
Repository hosting service
Third-party web applications that wrap and enhance a version control system.
A command line system allowing users to control their operating system using only the keyboard.
A system that records changes to a file or project over time so that you can recall specific versions later.